We thought it might be fun to dress up for a free meal...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Playing Catch-up
With the beautiful weather we've had lately, we've been able to get out and work in the garden, which has needed some work ;-)
Milking Bella, our Pygmy, is quite the challenge, and not because she is so small, but because she does NOT like to be touched! But with my wonderful command-man husband, we've gotten her in-line, and she's gotten a lot better.
(The kiddos helping mommy with the animals)
Josh's brother Jared was in town this past week from Utah, so we were able to enjoy some time with him. We went to the lake, and of course Noah was in heaven! He's my little water-baby...Mercy is NOT...
In the midst of all this my little boy turned TWO! Can't believe it, except for the testing phase he's going through right now...We had Noah's great-grandpa (papa) and great-grandmother (mema) over for dinner that night, and the next day had a surprise visit from his Nuna (my mother) and aunts bringing him a police car...(his daddy is a deputy so Noah has thoroughly enjoyed his "daddy car"). After that we were able to celebrate his birthday with his nana and papa and aunts and uncles!
(Noah enjoys his car from his nuna and pops)
(Do I need to mention that he loves cake?)
We try to go on walks whenever we can. Josh and I love to spend time together outside, and the children love to go on walks! It's a family activity that we really look forward to!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
What God Has Put Together...
In the amount of life I have experienced so far I have come to realize that marriage can be one of the most challenging yet rewarding of relationships in life. Josh and I just celebrated our 3rd anniversary. And while, yes, it may seem as though we should still be newly-weds (we're quite a ways away from our silver anniversary!;-), in many ways it feels as if we've been together our whole lives. I'm sure those of you who are so blessed to be married can agree that after only a few years together, it's rather hard to remember what it feels like to be single. We have definitely had our ups and downs...at times it feels as though there have been more valleys, and other times more mountain-peaks. These seasons come and go with life. Some are more welcomed than others, yet they all serve their purpose. A christian cannot expect to have a life without trials. Let me rephrase that...A christian who is seeking to become more like Christ in every aspect of his life cannot expect for life to be easy. Trials and tribulations are part of the package. It's unfortunate. But God is God. And we did not create this world. This is how He has chosen to refine us and to strengthen and polish our faith. Marriage is tough at times. But Guess what!! God is on our side! He DESIRES for us to stay together! Christ will never leave the church. He will never forsake us. And once we have been bought with His precious blood it is impossible for us to be completely lost again........To ourselves, the world, or to satan. God will pursue His children because He has promised that "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it..." (Phil. 1:6). What a beautiful picture of what marriage is and should be! No husband is perfect, and while we wives are a little closer...KIDDING!!...no one is perfect. We are all lacking. And that is definitely what makes this beautiful relationship so difficult! But this is how God's love is demonstrated here on earth. Through an imperfect man and an imperfect woman loving each other, REALLY loving each other despite those frustrations and annoyances. The wife beautifully submitting to her husband, respecting him in a way that helps him become all of the man that God intended for him to be. This is hard! Really hard. A woman has so much influence on how her husband is going to view himself and the world. How are we helping our husbands? Or are we hindering them? I have so much to learn about being a wife. Throw that on top of already being overwhelmed with being a good mommy and you have a total train-wreck! Dirty diapers all day long, nursing baby around the clock, cleaning up after toddler, developing relationship with little ones, training little ones in the way they should go, training little ones in the way they should go, training little ones in the way they should go ( ;-) there's a reason I mentioned that thrice! ), laundry laundry laundry, (I don't have school added yet!!...but God's grace will be sufficient then! ) rush to get dinner on the table for when darling hubby walks in, straighten house real quick before darling comes home......It may seem monotonous, but isn't that what it's all about? Yes, I am inadequate to be the wife God wants me to be. Yes, I am inadequate to be the mother He desires me to be. Yes....I am one inadequate person. PRAISE THE LORD!! Because if I were adequate, then why did Jesus die? If I were perfect, His life and death would have been wasted. SO, rather, my day should look like this: talk to God while I change diapers, talk to God while I make dinner, talk to God as I straighten house, talk to God anytime I can. Prayer is one thing that will NEVER BE WASTED. Though my life may at times be monotonous, and the things I accomplish throughout the day may seem minute, if I carve them in prayer, I am dwelling with my Savior, and every day is holy. Every day, and every action is an experience with God. Every diaper change and every nose-wipe is holy, bound in prayer, and that I can offer up to my Lord. Prayer cannot be burnt in flames.
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