Friday, May 16, 2008

Daily Reminders from God

How do you respond when people treat you rudely? Today I was out running errands and I had a MANAGER of all people treat me with such contempt for using coupons! As if they were illegitimate or something! I've never even shopped in this particular store but once. She was so mean and demanded I tell her where I got them from so she could put a stop to it all...she wouldn't even try to scan them for me. My first response, and second, and third, and fourth (upon pondering later) was to hope that she would fall flat on her rear when headed for her car at the end of the day. My conversation with God went something like this.. "Lord, why do people have to be so mean?? I just don't understand what her problem is! It's not like I've done anything illegal! Is it that wrong for me to try to be frugal with my husband's money?" "My dear daughter, you say she is being so mean, and yet you wish her evil for the way she has treated you. Isn't my command that you love those who do not love you, and bless those who curse you? She knows no better, you do. Did you show her my Son by the way you responded to her coldness?" "Yes, Lord, you are right. I do know better. I should have reponded in sympathy rather than anger, hurt, and frustration in my heart. Please increase Your love in me! Why are the fruits of the Spirit SO HARD to live out? I'm beginning to think that I will never bear these fruits in my life! " "My child, that is what the christian life is all about...allowing me to bring those fruits to bear in your life. Without me it IS impossible. But you will reap what you sow. Keep sowing the seeds of my desires in your heart and life, and you will bear. It won't be easy, but that was never a promise that I gave."

After talking with God I was completely humbled. I had once again allowed my flesh to get in the way of the sanctification that He wants so desperately to increase in my life. It is easy to allow such inconveniences to callous our hearts against those who don't know Christ, or who treat us wrongly. That is our natural response. But God has called us to be different, to be a light, and to love those who are unlovable. This is an impossible task without Christ, without the example of the way he loved those who were unlovable and and I. So....the next time I am treated in such a way, I will try to respond only in love, the way Christ responds to me every time I sin. And I will endeavor to see every human being as created in the very image of God himself.

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